Make Thyme for Herbs
May 13, 2023 @ 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Make Thyme For Herbs
Help your Fruits and Veggies Live a Long Life!
Join us at Beauty’s Community Garden, Saturday, May 13, 2023, from 9 am-11 am for this free workshop. (Work in the garden from 9-10am followed by the workshop at 10 am.
Session Includes:
- becoming comfortable with nature.
- learning to use herbs in your landscape.
- incorporating herbs into everyday life (cooking, bouquets, etc.)
- working with Mother Nature.
- cultivating the healthiest soil to grow anything.
Workshop Details:
- WHEN: Saturday, May 13, 2023
- TIME: 9 am-11 am (Volunteers will work in garden 9-10am) (Class 10-11am)
- WHERE: Beauty’s Community Garden: 3201 Airline Dr. Houston, TX 77022
- RSVP starts April 1st: Limited Capacity and Space, so RSVP early – share this program link: bit.ly/3FYOq39
- Admission: 13 -100 yrs. old
- COST: It’s FREE, and a donation option is provided for those interested in supporting Beauty’s Community Garden Programs
Bring: Your own water and refreshments and gloves (if you have them.
Instructor: Marilyn O’Connor
Marilyn O’Connor has been a member of The Herb Society of America, South Texas Unit, for 22 years. It is there, she began her love affair with herbs and became the bridge into edible landscaping and organic gardening. She’s been married for 55 years, has three wonderful sons and six incredible grandchildren (3 girls, and 3 boys). I have been teaching classes for 20 plus years and always enjoy sharing my knowledge and passion for gardening!
Facilitator & Instruction Team
We appreciate the support of all participants.

Beauty's Community Garden is located at 3201 Airline @ E. 32nd Street, in Independence Heights–the first African American municipality in Texas. Our mission is to close the gap on food inequities and achieve a community culture of health and well-being. Our programs, events and educational materials focus on breaking the cycle of food insecurity, poor nutrition, and the resulting health outcomes people experience who have poor access to fresh produce. These communities are called food deserts, and our garden is located in one of forty plus food deserts in Houston. We are committed to transforming lives through showing the connections between growing foods and their nutritional impact on health, wellbeing and life's possibilities.